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“As a professional, fizioLog lets me input my patient’s data and show them, on the spot, where they rank compared to people in their specific demographic groups.”

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fizioLog’s percentile rankings tell users where they fall within a group, or distribution. Groups are ranked by age and gender. For example, if your total score for Cardiovascular Fitness is 77%, you scored as well or better than 77% of your peers who were tested in that category.
Yes. fizioLog’s rankings are based on studies available from credible sources worldwide, and as more current and applicable data become available, our algorithms and rankings are updated to reflect these additions.
Though obvious, your rankings may also change if you improve or diminish performance in future tested categories.
Though obvious, your rankings may also change if you improve or diminish performance in future tested categories.
No. You can enter as little or as much data as you would like to score.
Absolutely. Your clients are able to view real comparative data that can show the progress they’re making toward their goals, identify areas that may need more attention, motivate them to continue their efforts, and validate that your program is indeed working.
fizioLog helps create additional opportunities to expand trainer relationships, and services, with clients or patients.
All these advantages are available at an extremely affordable cost per individual.
fizioLog helps create additional opportunities to expand trainer relationships, and services, with clients or patients.
All these advantages are available at an extremely affordable cost per individual.
fizioLog uses Stripe to process payments. We offer payment options on a monthly basis. All subscriptions are nonrefundable and must be cancelled before the next billing cycle to avoid renewal fees.
fizioLog’s data is compiled from scientific studies published by sources worldwide, and is updated as more current information becomes available.
Yes, especially in the categories of Muscular Fitness and Cardiovascular Fitness. Professionals and knowledgeable individuals will find useful ancillary data (such as strength training workloads, estimated repetition loads, cardiovascular intensity ranges, etc.) that are calculated specifically for each tested user, eliminating an enormous amount of time and guesswork from lengthy calculations.
Other available data, especially in Range of Motion, Balance and Body Composition categories, give detailed information pertaining to very specific parts of the body. This can help individual users identify and target areas that would most benefit from additional attention.
Other available data, especially in Range of Motion, Balance and Body Composition categories, give detailed information pertaining to very specific parts of the body. This can help individual users identify and target areas that would most benefit from additional attention.